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Costa Rica has no army

CR holds around 5% of the total biodiversity of the planet when it only represents a 0,03% of the earth’s surface. In addition, a fourth of the territory is protected area.Costa Ricans are called ticos therefore CR is known as Tiquicia, they say pura vida for almost anything (on a positive note).

There ‘s only rainny and dry season. 99% of the electricity in CR comes from clean energies. Tico time means if you’re invited at a certain time to a –mostly informal activity- it really means a Little bit later tan the proposed hour.Because being so close to the Ecuador, sunsets and dawns happen almost at the same hour everyday.

The biggest lake in CR is artificial, you can do acuatic activities at the foot of volcano Arenal.

You can’t visit the Isla del Coco as a tourist but you can visit it’s waters on tours. Is not enough to know Spanish, ticos speak mostly…tico

Lliteracy rate is around 95%.

Costa Rica went from 89% of deforestation to a 52% of its territory with forest coverage. Recreational hunting is forbidden. It’s currency is colón due to Cristobal Colón who knew Costa Rica in 1502, allegedly, amazed by its landscape and the amount of gold carried by its habitants, Colón decided to call it Costa Rica. Ranks 33rd out of 50 and third in Latin America as the healthiest country. Remember, CR has one of the 5 blue zones in the world. It has 112 volcanoes and five of them are active. Top exporter of pineapple in the world. World class coffee. Part of the oldest 22 democratic systems in the world. Franklin Chang Works for the NASA and has gone 7 times to space. Member of the NASA’s hall of fame. First country in latinamerica to have elctricity and the third country in the world after NY and Paris.

Top destine for USA, Europeans even south americans expats to retire, setting up businesses and living a relaxing life.Has four world heritages of humanity: Talamanca-La Amistadreservation , Isla del Coco National Park, Guancaste Conservation Area, pre-Columbian settlements Diquís.

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